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The PokerJunkie Team
Behind Poker Junkie is a devoted staff of poker enthusiasts that make sure visitors are satisfied and that the site runs smoothly. The Poker Junkie team frequently contributes their poker expertise to strategy articles, rules guides and plenty of other content they feel will help fuel your poker enthusiasms.
If you have a suggestion for a poker article for one of our writers to tackle, feel free to drop us a note in the comment form below!
The PokerJunkie Experience
Here on Poker Junkie we prioritize poker content for beginners that you can really use. Our extensive online poker site reviews are separated into important categories to shorten your search time and help you zone in quickly on just what kind of poker site is right for you.
We’ve got toplists for:
and more. Just hover over the “Play Now” tab on the menu above to see all of our different toplists.
For beginners just getting their feet wet in the wider online poker world we’ve provided a wide range of easy-to-use poker content to help you better understand the rules and strategy of a number of different poker variations. Just a few examples:
Hover over the “Improve Your Game” and “Poker Rules” tabs above to see more. Otherwise, feel free to drop us a line in the form below to let us know you’re a fellow Poker Junkie!